Results for 'Worldwide Movement for Reconciliation'

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  1.  74
    The Movement for Black Lives: Philosophical Perspectives.Michael Cholbi, Brandon Hogan, Alex Madva & Benjamin S. Yost (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Usa.
    The Movement for Black Lives has gained worldwide visibility as a grassroots social justice movement distinguished by a decentralized, non-hierarchal mode of organization. MBL rose to prominence in part thanks to its protests against police brutality and misconduct directed at black Americans. However, its animating concerns are far broader, calling for a wide range of economic, political, legal, and cultural measures to address what it terms a “war against Black people,” as well as the “shared struggle with (...)
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    Religion For Peace.Patrick Henry - 2010 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 20 (1):3-29.
    In this essay, I examine the religious peace activists during the war in Vietnam: Catholic (Daniel Berrigan, Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton), Jewish (Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel), Protestant (Martin Luther King, Jr.) and Buddhist (Thich Nhat Hanh) who, together with many others, constituted the greatest example of interfaith peace activism in our nation’s history. I extract from their writings principles that would enable us to create an interfaith peace movement today in a world desperately in need of such ecumenical activity. (...)
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    Lament in Three Movements: The Implications of Psalm 13 for Justice and Reconciliation.Joshua Beckett - 2016 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 9 (2):207-218.
    Christian peacemakers and ministers of reconciliation serving in contexts of conflict require practices to help them cope with painful situations and formulate constructive responses to them. Lament is one indispensible practice for ministers and their communities, simultaneously directing their pain to God and expanding their theological and social imagination for difficult tasks. The Scriptures provide ample resources for embracing the gift of lament. Here I argue that Psalm 13 offers a model of lament in three movements for ministers of (...)
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    Reconciliation—No Pasarán: Trauma, Testimony and Language for Paul Celan.Magdalena Zolkos - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (3):269-282.
    This article intervenes in the project of theorizing the politics of reconciliation and transitional justice with the suggestion that (a) more attention be paid to subjective experiences and discursive sensitivities affected/shaped by the trauma of historical violence and injustice, and that (b) the constitutive as well as potentially subversive working of these experiences and sensitivities be recognized. It focuses specifically on Paul Celan (1920?1970), a Jewish-Romanian-German poet and Holocaust survivor, proposing a reading of his work that connects aspects of (...)
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    Dear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation[REVIEW]Michelle Wolff - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (1):202-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation by Jennifer HarveyMichelle WolffDear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation Jennifer Harvey grand rapids, mi: eerdmans, 2014. 262 pp. $25.00Absent of opaque theory and disembodied ideology, Jennifer Harvey’s Dear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation presents an indispensable introduction to the problem of “whiteness” illustrated with concrete examples from (...)
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    The Global Clinical Movement: Educating Lawyers for Social Justice.Frank S. Bloch (ed.) - 2010 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Clinical legal education is playing an increasingly important role in educating lawyers worldwide. In The Global Clinical Movement: Educating Lawyers for Social Justice, editor Frank S. Bloch and contributors describe the central concepts, goals, and methods of clinical legal education from a global perspective, with a particular emphasis on its social justice mission. With chapters written by leading clinical legal educators from every region of the world, The Global Clinical Movement demonstrates how the emerging global clinical (...) can advance social justice through legal education. Professor Bloch and the contributors also examine the influence of clinical legal education on the legal academy and the legal profession and chart the global clinical movement's future role in educating lawyers for social justice. The Global Clinical Movement consists of three parts. Part I describes clinical legal education programs from every region of the world and discusses those qualities that are unique to a particular country or region. Part II discusses the various ways that clinical programs and the clinical methodology advance the cause of social justice around the world. Part III analyzes the current state of the global clinical movement and sets out an agenda for the movement to advance social justice through socially relevant legal education. (shrink)
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    For all life: toward a universal declaration of a global ethic: an interreligious dialogue.Leonard Swidler (ed.) - 1999 - Ashland, Or.: White Cloud Press.
    Provides an important step in the emerging movement toward global dialogue and peace. It is the belief of the book's contributors that human culture has entered a new age of Global Dialogue in response to increased inter-penetration of the world's cultures. In our emerging global village, guidance is needed, for as we have painfully seen, our century is not only the century of world culture, it is also the century of world wars, world famines, and worldwide environmental destruction. (...)
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    Animal liberation: the definitive classic of the animal movement.Peter Singer - 2009 - New York: Ecco Book/Harper Perennial.
    Since its original publication in 1975, this groundbreaking work has awakened millions of people to the existence of "speciesism"—our systematic disregard of nonhuman animals—inspiring a worldwide movement to transform our attitudes to animals and eliminate the cruelty we inflict on them. In Animal Liberation, author Peter Singer exposes the chilling realities of today’s "factory farms" and product-testing procedures—destroying the spurious justifications behind them, and offering alternatives to what has become a profound environmental and social as well as moral (...)
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    The tortuous path of accountability to ensure post-war reconciliation—the case of Sri lanka.Jehan Perera - 2016 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 55 (1):1-12.
    For the past three decades Sri Lanka was stalemated between governments that were not prepared to devolve power to the Tamil majority provinces and a Tamil militant movement that wanted a separate country. In February 2002, the Sri Lankan government and LTTE signed a ceasefire agreement under Norwegian government auspices that appeared to offer the real prospect of a final end to violence as a means of conflict resolution. The ceasefire between the government and the LTTE held for nearly (...)
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    War, Peace, and Reconciliation: A Theological Inquiry by Theodore R. Weber.David H. Messner - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):214-216.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:War, Peace, and Reconciliation: A Theological Inquiry by Theodore R. WeberDavid H. MessnerWar, Peace, and Reconciliation: A Theological Inquiry Theodore R. Weber EUGENE, OR: WIPF & STOCK, 2015. 182 pp. $23.00Weber's book makes a helpful contribution to enlivening more theologically grounded strategies for peacemaking through reconciliation. It is a careful, systematic work that takes as its foundation a distinctively Christian view of [End Page 214] (...)
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    Will the plant-based movement redefine physicians’ understanding of chronic disease?Maximilian Andreas Storz - 2020 - The New Bioethics 26 (2):141-157.
    The world is experiencing a cataclysmically increasing burden from chronic illnesses. Chronic diseases are on the advance worldwide and treatment strategies to counter this development are dominated by symptom control and polypharmacy. Thus, chronic conditions are often considered irreversible, implying a slow progression of disease that can only be hampered but not stopped. The current plant-based movement is attempting to alter this way of thinking. Applying a nutrition-first approach, the ultimate goal is either disease remission or reversal. Hereby, (...)
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  12.  27
    Effectiveness of Dance Movement Therapy in the Treatment of Adults With Depression: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analyses.Vicky Karkou, Supritha Aithal, Ania Zubala & Bonnie Meekums - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Background: Depression is the largest cause of mental ill health worldwide. Although interventions such as Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) may offer interesting and acceptable treatment options, current clinical guidelines do not include these interventions in their recommendations mainly because of what is perceived as insufficient research evidence. The 2015 Cochrane review on DMT for depression includes only three RCTs leading to inconclusive results. It is therefore, necessary to also look beyond such designs in order to identify and assess (...)
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  13.  12
    Populism and Worldwide Turbulence.Roland Robertson - 2020 - ProtoSociology 37:152-164.
    This contribution consists in an attempt to make sense of one central aspect of the present worldwide turbulence, one which might well be called the contemporary, perfect, global storm. A pivotal problem that will be interrogated is the issue of the circumstances that have produced this phenomenon in most parts of the world, although it should be emphasized that the term populism is, more often than not, applied to the Western world rather than the East or, for the most (...)
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    The little book of restorative justice: a bestselling book by one of the founders of the movement.Howard Zehr - 2014 - Intercourse, PA: Good Books.
    The seminal work on Restorative Justice by one of the founders of the movement, now fully revised and updated. In a time of bitter differences and deep division, how should we as a society respond to wrongdoing? When a crime occurs or an injustice is done, what needs to happen? What does justice require? Howard Zehr is the father of Restorative Justice and is known worldwide for his pioneering work in transforming understandings of justice. Here he proposes workable (...)
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    The SIMPOL solution: a new way to think about solving the world's biggest problems.John M. Bunzl - 2017 - Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books. Edited by Nick Duffell.
    The SIMPOL Solution, spearheaded by the Simultaneous Policy (SIMPOL) Organization, gives voters around the world a new way to pressure their leaders to address global problems ranging from climate change to mass immigration and gross income disparities. Blending politics and psychology, The SIMPOL Solution shows how through simultaneous action--through cooperation--we can overcome the problems we face today and our children will face tomorrow.The authors argue that the chief barrier to tackling pressing international issues is a vicious circle of destructive global (...)
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    Philosophy for Children.Jana Mohr Lone - 2022 - In Lee C. McIntyre, Nancy Arden McHugh & Ian Olasov, A companion to public philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 325–336.
    Philosophy for children is a worldwide movement to acknowledge and encourage children's philosophical capabilities and interests by developing spaces for children to pursue philosophical inquiry. Unlike the typical undergraduate philosophy class, philosophy for children sessions emphasize philosophical concepts, questions, and discussion rather than focusing on mastering arguments made by contemporary or historical philosophers. The aim is to cultivate an attentiveness to the philosophical dimension of life, or philosophical sensitivity. Despite the growth of philosophy for children around the world, (...)
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    Decolonising research: a shift toward reconciliation.Deborah Prior - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (2):162-168.
    Although awareness of cultural differences that distinguish Indigenous peoples has increased worldwide following attention from international human rights bodies, Indigenous cultural values have had little influence in shaping research agendas or methods of inquiry. Self‐determination and reconciliation policies have been part of the decolonisation agenda of governments for several decades; however, these have not, until recently, been considered of relevance to research. Indigenous peoples feel that they are the most studied population in Australia, to the point where even (...)
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    It All Began with Miriam… Feminist Theology’s Journey from Liberation to Reconciliation.Mary Grey - 2012 - Feminist Theology 20 (3):222-229.
    This article combines my journey in Feminist Theology from Liberation to Reconciliation, with a deep appreciation of the late Catherine Halkes, a great influence in my life and a European foremother for Feminist Theology. The emergence of Feminist Theology globally was based on the contextual struggle for justice in society and religion. This evoked new awareness, academic disciplines, culture and spirituality, and in an eccesial dimension inspired the Woman Church movement. Evaluating progress and acknowledging tensions, it is time (...)
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    Atheism for Dummies.Dale McGowan - 2013 - For Dummies.
    _The easy way to understand atheism and secular philosophy_ For people seeking a non-religious philosophy of life, as well as believers with atheist friends, _Atheism For Dummies_ offers an intelligent exploration of the historical and moral case for atheism. Often wildly misunderstood, atheism is a secular approach to life based on the understanding that reality is an arrangement of physical matter, with no consideration of unverifiable spiritual forces. _Atheism For Dummies_ offers a brief history of atheist philosophy and its evolution, (...)
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    Just Because We’re Small Doesn’t Mean We Can’t Stand Tall: A Child and Youth Rights Movement.Lisa Howell & Nicholas Ng-A.-Fook - 2023 - Studies in Social Justice 17 (1):112-135.
    In this article, the authors share their research on a curriculum for social justice, truth, and then reconciliation as put forth by the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society (Caring Society). The Caring Society is a non-profit organization that advocates for equity and social justice for First Nations children and creates social justice educational materials for Canadian learners. The authors provide an overview of the Caring Society campaigns and educational research. More specifically, they discuss how the Caring Society (...)
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    AE (Aristotle-Euler) Diagrams: An Alternative Complete Method for the Categorical Syllogism.Mario Savio - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (4):581-599.
    Mario Savio is widely known as the first spokesman for the Free Speech Movement. Having spent the summer of 1964 as a civil rights worker in segregationist Mississippi, Savio returned to the University of California at a time when students throughout the country were beginning to mobilize in support of racial justice and against the deepening American involvement in Vietnam. His moral clairty, his eloquence, and his democratic style of leadership inspired thousands of fellow Berkeley students to protest university (...)
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    Motives for economic migration: A review.Kerstin Mitterbacher - 2025 - Journal of Dynamic Decision Making 10.
    Migration is a key driver of economic and societal transformation, touching people’s lives worldwide. Understanding why people decide to migrate is crucial for fostering inclusive and diverse societies and informing effective policy-making. This paper focuses on economic migrants, a particular group of migrants whose study has primarily been confined to narrow areas of interest and characterized by inconsistent terminology, limiting cross-study comparability and the synthesis of findings. Viewed through the interdisciplinary lens and derived from theoretical, empirical, and analytical research (...)
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    The fight for animal rights.Jeanne Nagle - 2019 - New York: Rosen Publishing.
    For centuries, philosophers, scientists, and lawmakers worldwide have debated the merits of affording certain rights to animals. Central to any discussion of the topic is morality, who, or what, possesses it, and how and when it should be bestowed. This examination of the animal rights movement covers this and other points of contention, as well as the history of the movement and the people at the forefront of lobbying for animal welfare. Readers will discover and be inspired (...)
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  24. Effective Altruism and Anti-Capitalism: An Attempt at Reconciliation.Joshua Kissel - 2017 - Essays in Philosophy 18 (1):68-90.
    Leftwing critiques of philanthropy are not new and so it is unsurprising that the Effective Altruism movement, which regards philanthropy as one of its tools, has been a target in recent years. Similarly, some Effective Altruists have regarded anti-capitalist strategy with suspicion. This essay is an attempt at harmonizing Effective Altruism and the anti-capitalism. My attraction to Effective Altruism and anti-capitalism are motivated by the same desire for a better world and so personal consistency demands reconciliation. More importantly (...)
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  25.  18
    Evolution education and the rise of the creationist movement in Brazil.Alandeom W. Oliveira & Kristin Leigh Cook (eds.) - 2019 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Evolution Education and the Rise of the Creationist Movement in Brazil examines how larger societal forces such as religion, media, and politics have shaped Brazil's educational landscape and impacted the teaching and learning of evolution within an increasingly polarized discourse in recent years. To this end, Alandeom W. Oliveira and Kristin Cook have assembled a number of educational scholars and practitioners, many of whom are based in Brazil, to provide up-close and in-depth accounts of classroom-based evolution instruction, teacher preparation (...)
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    Philosophy for Children in Transition: Problems and Prospects.David Kennedy (ed.) - 2012 - Chichester, West Sussex,: Wiley.
    Philosophy for Children in Transition presents a diverse collection of perspectives on the worldwide educational movement of philosophy for children. Educators and philosophers establish the relationship between philosophy and the child, and clarify the significance of that relationship for teaching and learning today. The papers present a diverse range of perspectives, problems and tentative prospects concerning the theory and practice of Philosophy for Children today The collection familiarises an actual educational practice that is steadily gaining importance in the (...)
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    Church-Going, Going, Gone!: A Movement of the Human Spirit Begins.Michael Horan - 2015 - Imprint Academic.
    In _Church-going, Going, Gone!_ Michael Horan argues that although the Christian Church in Britain may be in terminal decline, that is not to be equated with a national decline in spiritual values. Most if not all people have some level of awareness of what he calls the 'Other-than-oneself', even though they have rejected, or never accepted, the Church’s now outdated teaching._ Church-going, Going, Gone!_ is concerned less with teaching than with learning. The book provides atheists, agnostics and believers-in-exile, as well (...)
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  28. The Deep, Long-Range Ecology Movement 1960-2000?A Review.Bill Devall - 2001 - Ethics and the Environment 6 (1):18-41.
    Aarne Naess, in a seminal paper on environmental philosophy, distinguished between two streams of environmental philosophy and activism—shallow and deep. The deep, long-range ecology movement has developed over the past four decades on a variety of fronts. However, in the context of global conferences on development, population, and environment held during the 1990s, even shallow environmentalism seems to have less priority than demands for worldwide economic growth based on trade liberalization and a free market global economy.
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    Does an Asset Owner’s Institutional Setting Influence Its Decision to Sign the Principles for Responsible Investment?Andreas G. F. Hoepner, Arleta A. A. Majoch & Xiao Y. Zhou - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (2):389-414.
    From a simple idea to unite asset owners in their quest for responsible investment at its launch in April 2006, the United Nations supported Principles for Responsible Investment have grown in just one decade into an initiative with more than 1500 fee-paying signatories. Jointly, the PRI’s signatories hold assets worth more than $80 trillion, making it one of the more prevalent not-for-profit organizations worldwide. Furthermore, the PRI’s ambitious mission to transform the financial system at large into a more sustainable (...)
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  30.  22
    Romanticism and the Re-Invention of Modern Religion: The Reconciliation of German Idealism and Platonic Realism.Alexander J. B. Hampton - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    Early German Romanticism sought to respond to a comprehensive sense of spiritual crisis that characterised the late eighteenth century. The study demonstrates how the Romantics sought to bring together the new post-Kantian idealist philosophy with the inheritance of the realist Platonic-Christian tradition. With idealism they continued to champion the individual, while from Platonism they took the notion that all reality, including the self, participated in absolute being. This insight was expressed, not in the language of theology or philosophy, but through (...)
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  31.  21
    Same-Sex Marriage and the Catholic Church in Europe. Any Chance for Understanding?Marta Michalczuk-Wlizło & Elżbieta Kużelewska - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (2):267-281.
    There is room for everyone in the Catholic Church, but there is no consent for same-sex marriage in that Church as marriage only between a baptized man and a woman is a sacrament. Same-sex marriage is inconsistent with the Holy Scripture where marriage is based on God’s natural law. This official Scripture’s interpretation results in lack of possibility to reconciliate the official teaching of the Church with the recognition of same-sex marriage. The world is moving forward and so are the (...)
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    “A Moment of Science, Please”: Activism, Community, and Humor at the March for Science.Olwenn Martin, Jamie Lewis, Neil Stephens, Photini Vrikki & Hauke Riesch - 2021 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 41 (2-3):46-57.
    In April 2017, scientists and science sympathizers held marches in the United Kingdom as part of a coordinated international March for Science movement that was held in over 600 cities worldwide. This article reports from participant-observation studies of the marches that took place in London and Cardiff. Supplemented with data from 37 interviews from marchers at the London event, the article reports on an analysis of the placards, focusing on marchers’ concerns and the language and images through which (...)
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    The 2004 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies.Frances S. Adeney - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):149-152.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The 2004 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian StudiesFrances S. AdeneyThe 2004 meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies was held in San Antonio, Texas, 19–20 November 2004. This year's theme was "Dealing with Illness and Promoting Healing: Buddhist and Christian Resources." During the first session panelists Laura Habgood Arsta, Jay McDaniel, and Beth Blizman presented Christian views on dealing with illness, and Rita Gross responded from a Buddhist (...)
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    A review of mentation in Rem and NRem sleep: “Covert” Rem sleep as a possible reconciliation of two opposing models. [REVIEW]Tore A. Nielsen - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):851-866.
    Numerous studies have replicated the finding of mentation in both rapid eye movement (REM) and nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. However, two different theoretical models have been proposed to account for this finding: (1) a one-generator model, in which mentation is generated by a single set of processes regardless of physiological differences between REM and NREM sleep; and (2) a two-generator model, in which qualitatively different generators produce cognitive activity in the two states. First, research is reviewed demonstrating (...)
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    History, Theory and Practices of Philosophy for Children: International Perspectives.Saeed Naji & Rosnani Hashim (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    This book on Philosophy for Children is a compilation of articles written by its founders and the movement's leaders worldwide. These articles have been prepared in the dialogue and interview format. Part I explains the genesis of the movement, its philosophical and theoretical foundations. Part II examines the specialized uses of philosophical dialogues in teaching philosophy, morality, ethics and sciences. Part III examines the theoretical concerns such as the aims of the method in regards to the search (...)
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    A century of biodynamic farming development: implications for sustainability transformations.C. Rigolot & C. I. Roquebert - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-8.
    In the context of the agroecological transition, the ability of alternative ways of farming to develop themselves in the long run without being co-opted by mainstream input intensive agriculture is essential. Biodynamic farming (BF), which began a century ago in 1924, was one of the first alternatives to modern agriculture, associated with specific agricultural practices, worldview and human-nature relationships. Over the last 100 years, BF has developed worldwide in a context of growing industrialization, without becoming industrialized itself, and it (...)
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    Preserving integrity against colonization.Maxine Sheets-Johnstone - 2004 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 3 (3):249-261.
    Genuine reconciliation between first- and third-person methodologies and knowledge requires respect for both phenomenological and scientific epistemologies. Recent pragmatic, theoretical, and verbal attempts at reconciliation by cognitive scientists compromise phenomenological method and knowledge. The basic question is thus: how do we begin reconciling first- and third-person epistemologies? Because life is the unifying concept across phenomenological and cognitive disciplines, a concept consistently if differentially exemplified in and by the phenomenon of movement, conceptual complementarities anchored in the animate properly (...)
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    A Perspective on Implementation of Technology-Driven Exergames for Adults as Telerehabilitation Services.Cécil J. W. Meulenberg, Eling D. de Bruin & Uros Marusic - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A major concern of public health authorities is to also encourage adults to be exposed to enriched environments during the pandemic lockdown, as was recently the case worldwide during the COVID-19 outbreak. Games for adults that require physical activity, known as exergames, offer opportunities here. In particular, the output of the gaming industry nowadays offers computer games with extended reality which combines real and virtual environments and refers to human-machine interactions generated by computers and wearable technologies. For example, playing (...)
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  39. Animal Liberation.Peter Singer (ed.) - 1977 - Avon Books.
    Since its original publication in 1975, this groundbreaking work has awakened millions of concerned men and women to the shocking abuse of animals everywhere--inspiring a worldwide movement to eliminate much of the cruel and unnecessary laboratory animal experimentation of years past. In this newly revised and expanded edition, author Peter Singer exposes the chilling realities of today's "factory farms" and product-testing procedures--offering sound, humane solutions to what has become a profound environmental and social as well as moral issue. (...)
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    The Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies: Report on the 39th Annual Meeting August 18–19, 2021.Kunihiko Terasawa - 2022 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 42 (1):389-391.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies:Report on the 39th Annual Meeting August 18–19, 2021Kunihiko TerasawaThe 2021 annual conference of the Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies was held online by Zoom. Five presentations were given on the theme of "Religion and Literature."August 18 (Three Presentations)First, President of the Japan-SBCS and professor emeritus at Sophia University, Yutaka Tanaka, presented "Hosokawa Garasha (Gracia)," which was about a Kirishitan (Christian) woman martyr in (...)
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  41. Mental causation for dualists.Paul M. Pietroski - 1994 - Mind and Language 9 (3):336-366.
    The philosophical problem of mental causation concerns a clash between commonsense and scientific views about the causation of human behaviour. On the one hand, commonsense suggests that our actions are caused by our mental states—our thoughts, intentions, beliefs and so on. On the other hand, neuroscience assumes that all bodily movements are caused by neurochemical events. It is implausible to suppose that our actions are causally overdetermined in the same way that the ringing of a bell may be overdetermined by (...)
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  42. Food sovereignty or the human right to adequate food: which concept serves better as international development policy for global hunger and poverty reduction? [REVIEW]Tina D. Beuchelt & Detlef Virchow - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (2):259-273.
    The emerging concept of food sovereignty refers to the right of communities, peoples, and states to independently determine their own food and agricultural policies. It raises the question of which type of food production, agriculture and rural development should be pursued to guarantee food security for the world population. Social movements and non-governmental organizations have readily integrated the concept into their terminology. The concept is also beginning to find its way into the debates and policies of UN organizations and national (...)
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    The rise and evolution of Korean Christian foreign missions and political interaction.Yong Qian & Yinji Zhao - 2025 - HTS Theological Studies 81 (2):7.
    Korea has seen remarkable development into a key worldwide missionary force since the advent of Christianity in the late 19th century. Building upon this context, the objective of this article is to explore the historical and practical consequences of the increase in Korean Christian overseas missionary endeavours and their relationship with politics. The article emphasises the pivotal significance of political elements in the transition from quantitative to qualitative transformations in Korean Christian missionary movements. For this purpose, the study takes (...)
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    From Field to Fork: Food Ethics for Everyone.Paul B. Thompson - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    After centuries of neglect, the ethics of food are back with a vengeance. Justice for food workers and small farmers has joined the rising tide of concern over the impact of industrial agriculture on food animals and the broader environment, all while a global epidemic of obesity-related diseases threatens to overwhelm modern health systems. An emerging worldwide social movement has turned to local and organic foods, and struggles to exploit widespread concern over the next wave of genetic engineering (...)
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    Beyond Ratzinger's Republic: Communio 's Postliberal Turn.S. J. Sam Zeno Conedera & S. J. Vincent L. Strand - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (3):889-917.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Beyond Ratzinger's Republic:Communio's Postliberal TurnSam Zeno Conedera S.J. and Vincent L. Strand S.J.Is the political future of the West a postliberal one? For the past decade, numerous prominent thinkers in America and Europe have been debating this question. Matters that not long ago were merely of historical interest, such as Pope Gelasius I's understanding of the relation between sacral authority and royal power, Thomas Aquinas's thought on monarchy and (...)
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  46.  29
    On the judgment of history.Joan Wallach Scott - 2020 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Joan Wallach Scott.
    After watching the 2017 Charlottesville riots, Joan Wallach Scott began thinking about our standard views of history as progressive, and the culmination of progress in the Western European nation-state since the 18th century. The return of once-discredited ideas-Nazism, white supremacy, nationalism-poses serious threats to democratic institutions and values, and upends our commonly-used adages about "the judgment of history" or being "on the right side of history." The three chapters examine the Nuremberg Tribunal, South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and (...)
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    Historical justice and memory.Klaus Neumann & Janna Thompson (eds.) - 2015 - Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press.
    Historical Justice and Memory highlights the global movement for historical justice—acknowledging and redressing historic wrongs—as one of the most significant moral and social developments of our times. Such historic wrongs include acts of genocide, slavery, systems of apartheid, the systematic persecution of presumed enemies of the state, colonialism, and the oppression of or discrimination against ethnic or religious minorities. The historical justice movement has inspired the spread of truth and reconciliation processes around the world and has pushed (...)
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  48.  13
    In the name of history.Joan Wallach Scott - 2020 - New York: Central European University Press.
    In this book Joan Wallach Scott discusses the role history has played as an arbiter of right and wrong and of those who claim to act in its name-- "in the name of history." Scott investigates three different instances in which repudiation of the past was conceived as a way to a better future: the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1946, the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 1996, and the ongoing movement for reparations for slavery (...)
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    COVID-19 Pandemic and Physical Exercise: Lessons Learnt for Confined Communities.Amine Ghram, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi, Walid Briki, Yaser Jenab, Mehdi Khaled, Monoem Haddad & Karim Chamari - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The novel pandemic called “Coronavirus Disease 2019”, as a global public health emergency and global threat, has affected many countries in unpredictable ways and impacted on physical activity behaviors to various extents. Specific populations including refugees, asylum seekers, and prisoners, are vulnerable groups with multiple complex health needs and worse health outcomes with respect to the general population worldwide and at high risk of death from the “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-related Coronavirus type 2”. Governments around the world have been (...)
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  50. Children's rights, parental agency and the case for non-coercive responses to care drain.Anca Gheaus - 2014 - In Diana Tietjens Meyers, Poverty, Agency, and Human Rights. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Worldwide, many impoverished parents migrate, leaving their children behind. As a result children are deprived of continuity in care and, sometimes, suffer from other forms of emotional and developmental harms. I explain why coercive responses to care drain are illegitimate and likely to be inefficient. Poor parents have a moral right to migrate without their children and restricting their migration would violate the human right to freedom of movement and create a new form of gender injustice. I propose (...)
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